It’s that time of year when everyone is thinking about taking their annual summer holiday. But if you have a young family, holidays can be far from relaxing. Everyone has different ideas about what is fun, parents have different requirements than children, and then there are the healthcare and temperature considerations to think about. So in this guide, we are going to look at how to plan a family holiday to please everyone.

1. Make sure the destination is suitable for everyone

First things first you must choose the destination carefully. If you have young children they are not going to want to spend the day traipsing around art galleries and museums. That doesn’t mean you have to limit yourself to the beach or pleasure parks, however – there are plenty of other options available.

Think about your health too. If you’re pregnant, you’re OK to fly so long as you’re under 36 weeks, but always check with your doctor beforehand. It’s also a good idea to get adequate travel insurance when pregnant to cover every eventuality should something happen while you’re away.

2. Try to limit flight times

When choosing a destination, think about travel time. Flying long haul with children can be a particularly stressful experience, not only for you but your fellow passengers. Young children, in particular, don’t like being kept on a plane for hours at a time. So it is best to limit flights to less than a couple of hours.

If you do have to take a long-haul flight, it’s a good idea to plan well in advance before you get to the airport. Load up a tablet with plenty of games, videos and books you know they like which should keep them amused on the journey. On arrival, it’s also a good idea to plan a little adjustment time when you get to the destination – this will help them to acclimatise and remain stress-free.

3. Make time for your partner

Don’t forget a holiday is a chance for everyone to recharge their batteries. When travelling with young children, it’s easy to get hung-up about making sure the kids are having a good time and forget about the adults. To combat this you should plan to spend a little time with your partner.

If you’re comfortable leaving the kids on their own, rent them a movie before heading out on the town for a date-night. If the kids are too young to leave on their own, look for a facility with childcare included. This will give them a chance to socialise with other children, which will do them good, and give you the chance to spend a little quality time with your partner.

4. Turn off the smartphone

It’s not going to be much of a holiday if you and your children are spending most of the time checking updates on social media. So decide before you set off to turn-off smart devices once you get off the plane. You’ll have plenty of time to upload pictures and write a travel journal when you get home. Check out this blog for good examples of how to limit social media time.

5. Remember, you can’t plan for everything

Relax, it doesn’t matter how much you plan, you will never be able to account for everything. No matter where you are in the world problems will occur. The best thing you can do is expect the unexpected and make the most of whatever comes your way. For example, if you’re delayed at the airport, don’t sit there getting stressed, think of a game you can play to keep the children amused. Check out this blog which shows how to deal with unexpected situations.

Follow these five simple tips when planning your next family holiday and with a bit of luck, you’ll have a stress-free holiday which the whole family will enjoy. And who knows, you may even get to enjoy it.

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